Monday, February 23, 2009

WA5 Second Draft

This was my big day. The one moment in my life where I get to decide who I spend the rest of my life with. My wedding was going to be perfect. This was the church my parents had been married in 25 years ago. Nothing could ruin my perfect day.

I was waiting outside the door of the aisle that led to the altar. At the same time, I was nervous because how do I know if I am making the right decision. No. No turning back now. This was my day, and I was not about to ruin it.

Soon the organ started playing and all the chatter quieted down. My father opened up the door and we both walked into the aisle, arms linked. No one could see my face completely because I had a veil covering my face. I was slowly walking down the aisle when a grey blur caught the corner of my eye. A mouse! Oh no please don't reveal yourself little mouse. You will ruin my perfect day. All I could think about when walking down the aisle was that little mouse. If anyone saw it, my day would be ruined. We finally reached the altar where my dad sat down next to my mother, and I stood next to my fiance.

Behind me where my best friends from school and previous years. Besides the mouse being on my mind, I wondered why my bridesmaids dresses where so ugly. Behind my fiance was his best friend Paul, from college. As I was wandering away in my head, the thought of that little mouse floated in the back of my head. Please do not come out little, grey mouse. Finally, we got to the "I do's". Two words that were going to eternally bond me and my fiance. I slowly opened my mouth and said the two magnificent words. "I do."

We kissed and made our way down the aisle, out the door and into the limousine. Everyone stood up and clapped, some even cried. (My mom) Finally, the day i had been waiting for since last year, was complete.

That little mouse must have heard my plea's. Thank you little mouse for not ruining my perfect day.

Once the party was over and me and my husband danced, we headed for the airport where we would spend a lovely honeymoon in Greece. I wonder what happened to that little mouse?