Friday, March 27, 2009

WA6 First Draft

"Don't even think about anything tricky Jerry!", screamed Jamal.

I didn't like this situation. Two hitmen, carrying out a hit on Jerry Farland. This hit would go down in history. Jerry Farland, the biggest drug lord in east L.A. He had at least half the city under is fingertips, waiting for his command.

"Time to go Jerry...You can stay alive and come with us, or be brought back in the trunk of my camero.", I said to Jerry.

This was my first hit and it had to be on the biggest drug lord in East L.A. Jamal was experienced, with plenty of talent. It was dark, streetlights lighting up the dark alleys of 54th Street. I was nervous. Jerry Farland always had someone watching over him.

"Ahh well if it isn't my favorite hitman, Jamal Williams. Who's your friend?"

"Shut up Jerry...Its time to go."

"After all these years of making hits for me, the tables have turned."

"Do you speak english motherfu****!? I said...shut....up."

My senses were all on high. I could hear a stray dog bark five blocks down. It was quiet. I heard a car engine rumbling at the end of the alley. A cop busted out of the car.


I lowered my gun, pointed towards the ground.

"What the hell is going on here?" said the cop.

Jamal turned around, slowly dropping his firearm. We turned around simeotaneously. There was a fat, sweaty L.A. cop standing with his gun pointed at us both. We heard running footsteps behind us. Jerry had gotten away. We were both dead now. If we were in prison, Jerry would find us. If we left the country, Jerry would find us. There was no where we could hide. We were deadmen.

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